Class Outline

Grade 6 Technology Literacy
Students will:
  •  Listen to an overview of the Technology Literacy semester, receive their computer/seating assignments, and log on to the WPS network.
  • Organize their files on the server space  (H:drive )by creating new folders and editing/deleting
  • Review and discuss the school rules and the Acceptable User Agreement for responsible use of computers and networks, using the Web 2.0 tool
  • Log onto school email accounts and send a practice email to their teacher
  • Log onto TTL4, take keyboarding assessment, and begin practicing at appropriate keyboarding level.
  • Create a MS Word document for their Passwords, and save their TTL4 Password (and all passwords)  in this document.
  • Visit the middle school home page links, and review the  Grade 6 Technology Wiki
  • Use menus in MS Word to edit, format, and print a document.
  • Write and edit a document using spell-checker and grammar resources in MS Word
  • Create a proper citations for copyrighted material (e.g. text, images, website) found on the Internet.
  •  Use online tools Google Apps for Education to gather and share information collaboratively with other students.
  • Create  a project that uses text, graphics, audio, and video with proper citations to communicate ideas using PhotoStory 3.
  • Write a Haiku poem and research pictures on the Internet to compliment the poem.
  • Define cyberbulling and describe strategies to deal with such a situation, including how to anonymously report incidents to school officials.
  • Describe potential risks and dangers associated with various forms of online communication.
  • Recognize the public exposure of e-mail and appropriate e-mail etiquette
  • Use painting and drawing applications to create and edit work.
  •  Analyze media messages and determine if their purpose is to inform, persuade, or entertain.
  •  View a spreadsheet in MS Excel, identify and explain a cell, column, row.
  •  Enter data and perform calculations, observing the changes that occur.
  • Use a wiki to collaborate on a project that will strengthen their understanding of Internet safety, ethics, and cyberbullying.
  • Students will conduct research on the potential risks and dangers associated with online communication.
  • Recognize the public exposure of email and understand the outline the basics of email etiquette
  •  Recognize potential opportunities for unwanted exposure online.
  • Learn how social networking sites use, store, and sell information offered by users, and explore ways to protect one’s privacy online.
  • Define the term “digital footprint” and begin tracking how much information they have and should disclose on the Internet

Has anyone tried to downlad Type To Learn 4 at home?