Class Procedures and Expectations

Technology Literacy Class
Welcome to Malec’s Technology Literacy Class.  The goal of this course is to help students use technology to learn. Lessons will be aligned to the Massachusetts Instructional Technology Standards which include
  • Basic Operations and Productivity Tools
  • Computer Ethics, Society, and Safety
  • Research, Problem-Solving, and Communications
Beginning of Class Routine
  1. Line up outside door until invited in by teacher.
  2. Place books & bags on the shelf and takea  seat at your computer.
  3. Log in and then close your monitor and wait for instructions.
  4. Start Warm-up: Login to “Type to Learn 4″ and practice you Keyboarding skills (10- min)
End of Class Routine
  1. Save your work to your H Drive
  2. Close out of all programs
  3. Log Off the computer.
  4. Stand behind your seat and push in your chair.
  5. Quietly gather your things and leave the room after you are dismissed.
  1. All assignments should be saved to your H drive.  
  2. If you finish your assignment before your classmates you can go to the “when you finish your assignment Page“on the grade 6 wiki. You might not get time to finish this assignment but you can always go back to it another day if it is saved.
  3. Please ask permission before printing. It will not be necessary to print assignments unless advised.

Computer Lab Expectations

Students are expected to:
  1. Be respectful of yourself and others
  2. Demonstrate a positive attitude and willingness to learn new things
  3. Participate and show effort in all class lessons & stay on task
  4. Actively listen and create a positive learning environment for others
  5. Follow the district’s Acceptable Use Policy (AUA)

Has anyone tried to downlad Type To Learn 4 at home?